
Craig ferguson riding the elephant
Craig ferguson riding the elephant

craig ferguson riding the elephant

I admire Craig’s ability to look back at his upbringing, find fault with it, and then inject some humor while skewering the traditions his forebears dumped on him. Jake is about to claim the restored Church’s Sunday School is wacky and unhealthy, Make them all about Mormons instead of Catholics and Protestants. You may think you know where I’ll be going with the above What I’m saying is Sunday school really did a number on me.” Life was black and white and dour and then you died of something respectable like cancer and were put in a box wearing a woolen suit before being buried in a damp hole. As far as I could tell, all color and joy were to be avoided lest they lead to sin. “I suppose Catholics and people who are raised in the more flamboyant pageant-y religions are aware of the awesome fun to be had from spectacle from the outset, but I was raised a Scottish Protestant. To persuade people who need to be persuaded. I want the me in the here and now to say what needs to be said, and I want my current outlook to be reliable and Those to do with my devout childhood and early 20s in the Church of JesusĬhrist of Latter-day Saints-and doing so to fit my current agnostic perspective… To accept that I may be inadvertently reshaping memories-especially Even more difficult to admit, but likely true, is that my altered memories display a bias for my own comfort. Though it betrays some conceitedness, I have trouble admitting I may be just as prone to faulty memory as the next person. I’ve always prided myself on having a keen memory-of remembering not only what happened, but what it meant. I’m unsettled by how true the above quote rings to me. When I look into them I see shapes move and stir and I think I remember what they are, but maybe I’m just making it up to suit a reality about myself that I find comfortable.” Craig Ferguson “I’m getting older now and the shadows are getting longer.

Craig ferguson riding the elephant