Our music is provided each week by Sassy Outwater, whom you can find on Twitter is from Caravan Palace, and the track is called “La Caravane.” Thanks for listening! This Episode's Music Please don't forget to give us a name and where you're calling from so we can work your message into an upcoming podcast.

You can email us at or you can call and leave us a message at our Google voice number: 20. What did you think of today's episode? Got ideas? Suggestions? You can talk to us on the blog entries for the podcast or talk to us on Facebook if that's where you hang out online. Sponsor us through Patreon! ( What is Patreon?) We also have a cool page for the podcast on iTunes. If you like the podcast, you can subscribe to our feed, or find us at iTunes, on Stitcher, or Spotify. More ways to listen → Here are the books we discuss in this podcast: This podcast player may not work on Chrome and a different browser is suggested. What about you? What did you think of Mercenary Instinct? We’d love to hear what you thought of it! ❤ Read the transcript ❤ ↓ Press Play We take a brief side tour into what we’re currently reading and then wrap up with our grade. When there’s carnivorous plants, velociraptors, a massive storm, and a spaceship crash, when is the best time to make out? How many missed opportunities were there for epic poop jokes? Which is your preference: hot shower or scary horny? How many other science fiction/space ensembles can we mention in one episode? HARD TO SAY.

What were our reactions to the story, the world (and the space), the hero, the heroine, and the surrounding characters?ĭid the bad guy need to put out a bounty on them in the first place?ĭoes hanging out in space make you 22% dumber because of low oxygen and bra strangulation? But don’t worry – I’m going include a plot summary just before we start our conversation. Our hope is that you read the book, too, and can follow along and respond to our discussion. We can’t really talk about the book in detail without sharing the details, right?

We have a lot to talk about, and I have a few notes for you before we start.įirst: TW/CW for discussion of threat of rape and sexual assault off and on throughout the episode.

It’s our first book club episode! Amanda, Elyse, Carrie, and I discuss a suggestion from Holly in our Patreon: Mercenary Instinct by Ruby Lionsdrake.